Resources for Handling COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation

A Message from Laurie Wiita, Health Director

A Message from Laurie Wiita, Health Director: Due to the rising numbers of COVID-19 positive cases, we’re continuing to follow the recommendations of the CDC but hope that you will take the time to familiarize yourselves with information provided by the CDC on what “self-monitoring”, “quarantine” and “isolation” mean and how to know when you’re safe to be around others after having COVID-19.

I had the unfortunate experience of contracting COVID-19; thankfully, I am fully vaccinated, and my symptoms were mild (headache, tired, no taste or smell, a full day of aching joints and some congestion).

Our greatest wish is that everyone be able to experience safe holidays with their loved ones in 2021 and enter 2022 with good health.

At the bottom of this link, COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC, there are some really good resources that will be helpful.