Town Welcomes New Business Owner

Valley Florist & Greenhouse Under New Ownership

The Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce hosted a Ribbon Cutting Celebration on November 20, 2020, to recognize the new owner, Brendan Loughman. Our Town officials were invited and Select Board Chair, Mike Currie gave the following speech:

"Friends and colleagues, welcome. Thank you to Valley Florist and Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce for the invitation. I am happy to relay my congratulations and best wishes for the grand re-opening with a new owner to one of the most exciting and creative businesses in our community.  I would like to extend my best wishes for continued prosperity for Valley Florist and Greenhouses to Brendan Loughman.

I would also thank the Fontaine's for all their years of hard work and community involvement and for a great plan to keep working. Together, going forward, they make a great team to support Templeton and the surrounding cities and town's needs.

You may not know that this establishment  has been here since 1958 and has been in the same family since this recent sale... that is a testament to hard work and dedication to a community that needs your support to be happy, to grieve, to appreciate, and to love. The ties between Valley Florist and this community are strong; through our associated Host Community Agreements, we continue to prove that together, we can innovate in a sprouting business environment where modern prosperous concepts can be realized by all.

On behalf of the Select Board, I again congratulate you on the next evolution of Valley Florist and Greenhouses.

Good luck and stay safe."

-Mike Currie
Chair, Templeton Select Board

Pictured in the attached photo, right to left: Adam Lamontagne, Town Administrator; Terry Griffis, Selectwoman; and Michael Currie, Chair, Board of Selectmen from the Town of Templeton; Brendan Loughman, Owner, Valley Florist & Greenhouse; Carol Jacobson, Chamber President & CEO; Tracy Hutchinson, Chamber Board Chair and President and CEO of GAAMHA, Inc.; Mayor, Michael Nicholson; and City Council President, Elizabeth Kazinskas, from the City of Gardner.